Work continues on the US Highway 93 (US 93) Ronan-North project. Riverside Contracting crews will continue to work on the drainage channel on the east side of the road, across from Dairy Queen.


Topsoil placement in preparation for seeding and landscaping will continue on both sides of the highway, and guardrail installation will begin on the northbound side of US 93. Lane closures will be necessary where work is underway. Traffic control will be in place. 


Work planned for next week also includes project area cleanup and installation of streetlight foundations. All work is dependent on weather and other unforeseen factors.


The speed limit remains at 35 mph. Please remember to follow posted speed limits when driving through the project site. 


Paving operations on the Ronan-North project will resume in mid-October. The final layer of pavement will be installed at that time.


Next week, crews will be onsite Monday, September 18, through Friday, September 22, from 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.


When traveling through the construction zone, slow down, follow all traffic control, and watch for workers and equipment. 


Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the project hotline at 406-207-4484, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information on the Ronan-North project, visit


Safety is Always in Session: Back-to-School Reminders for Motorists

Montana’s schools are back in session, which means many children are walking, bicycling, or riding a school bus to and from their destination. MDT would like to remind motorists to always be attentive and alert while driving, to share the road, and to obey all traffic laws as school days bring school buses and increased traffic during school start and end times. Make sure you understand and follow Montana’s school bus laws. Yellow flashing lights indicate children are preparing to load or unload, and motorists should be prepared to stop. Red flashing lights indicate children are loading or unloading, and motorists MUST stop at least 30 feet from the school bus and wait until red lights are no longer flashing. Together, we can help keep our students safe on their journey! Learn more about the goal of Vision Zero and school bus safety here: Vision Zero | Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) (


Best wishes,

Sloane Stinson

On behalf of the Montana Department of Transportation