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Date added: 06/11/2024 08:05:38
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PO BOX 278
PABLO MT 59855
****V A C A N C Y A N N O U N C E M E N T****
TITLE: Foster Care Licensor
Contract position
LOCATION: Department of Human Resource Development
SALARY: $20.00 to $22.99 per hour
CLOSING DATE: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
This is a Testing Designated Position (TDP) within the definition of the CSKT Drug Testing policy. The successful applicant, if not already employed by the Tribes must pass a pre-hire drug test and serve a mandatory six month probationary period.
The goal of the position is to ensure the safety of children involved in the DHRD - Tribal Social Services Division (TSSD), which includes foster care. Position must consider safety first and work quickly to expedite all license issues for those providing foster care. Funds are federal and every effort must be made to maximize reimburse ability of federal funds while providing a service in children and the families who provide care to those children.
• Incumbent serves as a Foster Care Licensor for the CSKT DHRD - Tribal Social Services Division of the Flathead Reservation. This incumbent is indirectly responsible for the placement and maintenance of children in foster care homes by assuring the best placement is in the best interest of each child being placed in care. The worker must adhere to the 66 BIA Manual, Title IV-E Requirements, ICWA, Tribal Children's Legal Code, The Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes Regulations for Licensing Foster Care Homes, Interstate Compact Agreement guidelines and the Montana State Statute and Legal System which affects Tribal Child Welfare Services.
• The incumbent provides a variety of social work skills and professional judgment in this job. As a professional, this incumbent will embody the principles, standards, theories, and techniques of a social worker as a method of working with Indian people and personal life philosophy. Casework and licensing process includes the following: l) intake of placement sites including documented assessment of homes including verifying all physical requirements to meet foster care, 2) background checks of all adults as required pursuant to the Adam Walsh Act and the Indian Child and Family Violence Protection Act and other relevant pieces of legislation, 3) preparation and monitoring of foster home files, 4) home evaluations, 5) determination of home placement types (categories) and any restrictions, 6) frequent CPS data entry necessary to expedite paperwork, 7) foster care follow-up and monitoring, and 8) maintenance of approved foster parent listing and individual filing system of foster parents.
• The Incumbent provides professional casework services to individuals and families who provide foster care placements. The incumbent is responsible in making sure Foster Parents have a copy of the Foster Parent Licensing Standards, have signed a Foster Parent Agreement, submitted all required documents to and maintain their licenses which includes required annual hours of training.
• Incumbent is responsible to meet with their direct supervisor to update the status of Foster Home licensing as required in the SAFE Licensing Process for Foster Parent Home Study/ Licensing, Guardianship Homes. Once all documents are completed, Licensor's recommendations arc in home studies, references, health forms, local/.state and national background checks, driver's licenses and Foster Parent Agreements are in the file and scanned into doc gen as required. Incumbent must submit to the immediate supervisor or Intervention Services Division Manager all written Home Studies for approval.
• Incumbent participates in weekly staffing and consults with other staff in monitoring foster care homes and any problems therein. Incumbent applies methods of helping that examine personal, social, economic, health, etc. and any reasons for the family distress which interferes with foster care placements. This worker also is required to investigate any child abuse and neglect allocation in regard to foster children placed in the home.
• Provide advice, guidance, and counseling to help families and individuals to take advantage of federal, tribal, state and local programs addressing physical and emotional needs of kids placed in care. Serves as a resource for families and kids in care and makes appropriate referrals.
• The incumbent will participate in the monthly Foster Care Review and is a Committee member, which meets once per month to review foster care placements. The incumbent will attend and represent TSSD in all Montana State Recruitment and Retention meetings.
• Incumbent is responsible for providing accessibility to Tribal culture and historical background activities for children in foster care.
• Serves as resource for problem solving with foster care families in crisis situations, as requested. Incumbent is responsible for updating all forms and agreement used in the process of licensing a home and to maintain a Foster Home License. Also will review and update the Licensing Standards for TSSD to make sure TSSD is adhering to all federal acts such as the Adam Walsh Act and the Tribal Children's Code. Will consult recommended changes/ additions to the immediate supervisor for approval.
• Responsible for facilitating a quarterly Foster Parent Training with supervisors for new and tentative foster parents in efforts to provide skills on parenting foster children with their special needs along with taking into consideration the cultural customs and traditions that need to be handed down to Indian children and all Indian families. Will develop and facilitate a Foster Parent support group.
• Incumbent will have phone contact, office visits and make home visits to foster families' home to ensure continued eligibility for IV-E and BIA funding and to fulfill federal requirements. After each home visit or contact, a form needs to be filled out and submitted to the Supervisor as well as placed in each foster care case file and entered into the CAPS system. Incumbent will work as a team player in arranging and completing home visits with Foster Parents and Foster Children placed in the Foster Parent's home.
• Incumbent must maintain timely license reviews, which adhere to the 66 BIA Manual, Tribal Children's Code, Title IV-E funding standards and the Adam Walsh Act which is mandated and to be followed through by regulations.
• Acts as a consultant in the capacity of a team member with Intervention Services Division Manager and all other TSSD staff.
• Maintains accurate documentation of all daily activities. Handles day-to-day correspondence related to the licensing program. Incumbent needs to ensure that the Program Manager is aware of updates and concerns on the status of licenses in process. Prepares spreadsheet which reflects foster care licenses, expiration dates, numbers of kids the home is licensed for and current placements in the home.
• Incumbent must maintain organized and accurate documentation in regard to work and activities the worker performs as mandated by Title IV-E funding, BIA, Tribal Children's Code and established policies and practices established by TSSD. Incumbent must file all documents on a weekly basis for all foster families.
• Incumbent is responsible for keeping CAPS and doc gen entries current and has no expired and/ or unlicensed foster care homes. Incumbent must have the ability to keep the list of foster homes current and provide Social Workers, including the on-call Social Worker, a weekly update of which homes are available for placements.
• Incumbent is responsible for developing and facilitating four (4) Foster Parent Trainings for potential foster parent applicants. Incumbent is also responsible in assisting foster parents and guardianship parents with on-going training to meet the necessary 1 2 hours of Child Welfare Training by arranging attendance at locally offered conference, providing a conference on various topics annually, or providing books/videos on specific topics in regard to the specialized needs of foster children and how to deal with the special issues to better support placement in their home.
• Incumbent is responsible for development and maintaining the IV-E disaster plan for the Foster Care Program and Foster Care Parents by providing Disaster Plan training, information and supplies to assist and make clear the evacuation plan in case of an emergency/ local disaster situation in the local area.
• Other duties as assigned by this immediate supervisor and Intervention Services Division Manager.
❖ Request copy of position description for full details.
1. This position requires a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, Human Services, Psychology or related field or four (4) year’s working experience with vulnerable populations.
2. Position is a testing designated position (TDP) under the terms and condition of the CSKT Drug Testing Program and implementing rules.
3. Position must pass suitability and character reference check and finger printing as required by the Indian Child and Family Violence Protection Act —PL 101-630.
4. Position is required to sign a confidentiality agreement on at least an annual basis and to observe and uphold professional levels of communication protocols.
5. This position is subject to a background check in accordance with Public Law 101-630, 25 USC Section 3201 and Public Law 101-647, 42 USC Section 13031. The background check also includes child protection service checks and driving record checks.
6. This position is a mandatory reporter of child abuse and neglect situations.
❖ Request copy of position description for full details.
1. Completed Tribal employment application.
2. Completed supplemental questionnaire for background investigations.
3. Copy of relevant academic transcript.
4. Proof of enrollment in a federally recognized Tribe if other than CSKT.
5. If claiming veteran’ preference, a copy of DD214 must be submitted.
SUBMIT ALL OF THE ABOVE TO: Cynthia Matt, Personnel Office, P.O. Box 278, Pablo MT 59855, Telephone 406-675-2700, Ext. 1043.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Jason Heavyrunner, Children & Family Services Program Manager @ 406.675.2700, ext.1333.

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